I did such a terrible thing : I just changed my blog template that caused me lost all of my comments :( Could somebody help me?
I feel so saaaad....
For all these years, even though sometimes I didn't have enough time to update my blog, by reading my old writing and so the comments is one of the things that could bring my sense back, bring my smile and my spirit when I was in such a bad mood or situation...
I like all of the companions from friends all over the world, that had gave such advice or nice comments. And the fact that some of these people I have never met before just makes the comments more amazing for me.
I want them back...
Can I turn back?? There's no "Undo" button available... So all of them, I will keep it in my mind and in my heart. Hopefully my memory will last forever...
waduh ran... diapain nih blog, kok sampe ilang semua?? :)
udah nyoba ke helpdesk belum? kayaknya banyak yg pernah pengalaman deh.. cuman aku ga tau rani ngesetnya seperti apa.
kalo ngga, coba ke setting>>comments.. dicek satu2.. udah sesuai ama preference rani blm
kalo ngga juga, coba ke edit post, dibawahnya kan ada pilihan post options, mungkin ke-hide (kayak aku kmrn)
atau kalo ngga, coba dicek di spam, bisa jadi lari kesitu...
atau apalagi yaaa? soalnya kayaknya google dah update terus ni blogger, jadi kadang2 format lama suka ada yg ga compatible..
sory ya ran, ga bisa byk bantu..
keep writing anyways :)
@aisy : kayaknya mending balik ke template lama aja yak... hiks...
aku dulu pake comment moderation dari Echo Is... jadi nyesel knapa pindah ke Echo dulu...
pas liat di helpdesk-nya Echo, kurang paham juga... musti daftar lagi, install ulang, kopi template... tapi ngeri salah lagi secara aku ngga ngerti kode html gitu.... hiks... :(
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